Mini Pumpkin Pies

Only about 160 calories!

Only about 160 calories!

Going along with the Thanksgiving theme of this week, I also made miniature pumpkin pies to accompany our roommate tryptophan feast. I’ve also never made pumpkin pie before, but I knew I wanted to try to make a healthier version of it. I looked around on Foodgawker and saw some terrifying recipes that incorporated tofu. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some tofu, but it was just too weird for me to try. I haven’t had much success with using strange ingredients in baking. Earlier this fall, I tried making black bean brownies, and they just ended up tasting like chocolate beans. I’ve learned my lesson, and from now on, I think I’ll stick to normal ingredients.
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Pumpkin Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cranberry Cookies

Super healthy, you don't even know.

Super healthy, you don’t even know.

I’ve been baking up a storm lately, mainly as a means to procrastinate. Accounting homework? That can wait. Midterm tomorrow? Cookies need to be made first. Applying for jobs? Well, let’s not get crazy here. But in all seriousness, baking has been a nice outlet. With the pressure of working, trying to find a job, running a student organization, maintaining a pathetic semblance of a social life, and not flunking out of graduate school, things get a little hectic at times (read: all the time). Baking’s been a great way to relax, even if it means pushing back readings for half an hour or so. So take that, accounting homework, you’re not getting done today. Or ever.
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