Apple Caramel Muffins

Procrastination never tasted so good.

Procrastination never tasted so good.

It’s getting to be that time of the semester. You know, that time when everything just happens to be due at once, and you didn’t realize that everything was due the same week…despite the fact that your professors have been telling you the entire semester the exact due date for these projects.

Well, now I’m in a bit of pickle, since I have two projects due the Monday and Tuesday after Thanksgiving. I’m not the least bit close to being finished with either of them. So, it’s a good idea to bake and blog about it instead, right?

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Apple yogurt muffins

Apples and oats

Apples and oats

Every Wednesday, my university offers a farmer’s market. In addition to having overpriced lunch options to cater to their wealthy student body, they also have a decent produce selection. Apples are so hot right now, so it makes sense to bake something involving apples.  I bought a bunch of Nittany apples, lugged them home, and immediately set to bake these apple muffins.

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